Can CBD Really Make Sex Better?

There are many medications out there that promise to improve your sex life and enhance sexual performance. While some may work, many are also extremely risky, come with negative side effects, and don’t always guarantee results. That’s why more and more people are turning to CBD, or cannabidiol, for help with their sex lives instead of prescription drugs or supplements like Viagra and Cialis. In this article, we’ll break down why CBD is such an appealing option for improving your sex life and cover everything from how it works to which strains work best to what the research says about it.

What is the Endocannabinoid System?

The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is a system of receptor sites in our bodies. These receptors, or endocannabinoids, are present throughout our bodies and are responsible for keeping us healthy. If you’ve ever eaten cannabis, you might be familiar with a high feeling—that sensation is caused by cannabinoids interacting with your ECS. We don’t know exactly how it works yet, but evidence has shown that regular use of CBD may play a role in preventing or relieving symptoms associated with several health issues such as cancer, epilepsy and Parkinson's disease. Hemp-derived cannabidiol has also been found to impact serotonin receptors in our brains which influence pleasure and pain perception.

Cannabinoids and Your Orgasms

Although they might seem somewhat obscure, cannabinoids actually play a big role in our sex lives. These compounds, which interact with receptors throughout our bodies, have been shown to be crucial for regulating sex hormones and even controlling sensitivity to sexual touch. So what does all of that mean for you and your partner’s orgasms? Well, studies show that chemicals called endocannabinoids help regulate blood flow in both men and women—and researchers speculate that cannabinoids might also play a key role in triggering female orgasms (which is still pretty unclear). And though most research on marijuana has focused on its effects on men (most notably erectile dysfunction), scientists are starting to question whether cannabis could potentially help women achieve better orgasms too.

CBD's Potential For Enhancing Sex Life

It's no secret that sex is a pleasurable activity—but it's also tied to emotional and physiological health. Over time, studies have shown that regular sexual activity can lower your risk of developing breast cancer, prostate cancer, and ovarian cancer. It may also alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, reduce inflammation in arthritis patients, and lower your chances of having a heart attack or stroke. Now with these benefits known: what would happen if you could enhance your sex life with CBD? The compound has been shown to be beneficial for people who suffer from pain-related conditions like arthritis as well as other inflammatory ailments such as multiple sclerosis (MS). Studies have even linked it to more healthy sleep cycles while improving mood during waking hours.

Benefits Of CBD For Sexual Health

Research is beginning to uncover some of CBD’s therapeutic benefits, one of which is its potential as a treatment for sexual dysfunction. Experts believe that because it impacts blood flow, increases sensitivity and relaxes muscles, CBD may have applications in treating sexual issues such as erectile dysfunction. A team of researchers at Rutgers University tested out a new study with 24 men (who were not currently using any other treatments) to determine whether or not taking a daily supplement was effective in managing their erectile problems. After six weeks of daily supplementation with 800mg of cannabidiol oil (CBD), participants experienced an average increase in penile blood flow by 33 percent and an average increase in penis size by 1 percent.

Will It Work For Everyone?

Although many people enjoy using cannabis to improve their sex lives, some don’t. If you are new to using cannabis and want to give it a try, here are some tips to make sure your first time is a great experience. First and foremost, consume edible weed before you get intimate with your partner. Why? Edibles take anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour and a half to kick in (depending on how much you ingest), so there’s plenty of time for sex! Just be careful not to overdo it! Keep an eye on how high you get by waiting 30-45 minutes after consuming edibles before getting too frisky! Most importantly: Have fun! This is about enjoying yourself with or without marijuana.

How To Use If You're Not A Cannabis User

For those who aren’t interested in trying CBD for pleasure, but want to reap its other health benefits, it can be taken in a variety of ways. Hemp Oil Drops can be sprinkled over salads or on yogurt. It can also be mixed into topical recipes like lotions and beauty products. When used as a supplement and not ingested, hemp oil tinctures are typically placed under your tongue. (This is why you may see dropper products with labels like add drops to food/lotion/cream). They’re able to enter your bloodstream easily via sublingual absorption (dissolving under your tongue) and then spread throughout your body through your blood vessels.


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